Erectile Dysfunction: The Harbinger of Serious Cardiovascular Disease

Posted By Dr Ayodele Ogunjobi  
18:00 PM

Erection of the penis involves the nerves, brain, muscles, hormones and the circulatory system of a human being. Each of the mentioned systems performs their functions together for filling the erectile tissue present in the human penis with the blood. However, a man suffering from the problem of erectile dysfunction faces troubles in getting and/or maintaining the erection to perform sexual intercourse. Most of the men suffering from the problem of erectile dysfunction are entirely unable to achieve an erection, while others face difficulties in maintaining erection even after a short time.





10 Myths about ED

  • Myth #1:Erectile Dysfunction is a normal part of the aging process
  • Myth #2: Erectile dysfunction is a single problem
  • Myth #3: Erectile dysfunction is only an older man’s problem. 
  • Myth #4: Erectile dysfunction is largely psychological. 
  • Myth #5: Erectile dysfunction requires a specialist to treat. 
  • Myth #6:  Viagra is the only treatment option for erectile dysfunction.
  • Myth #7: Only men feel the impact of Erectile dysfunction.
  • Myth #8: Wearing tight underwear causes Erectile Dysfunction.
  • Myth #9: Men with ED have no sexual desire.
  • Myth #10: Erectile dysfunction may be upsetting, but it doesn't pose any danger.

How common is Erectile Dysfunction?

The problem of Erectile Dysfunction is relatively common among men belonging to the older age group, but at the same time, it affects many young men and that too in higher numbers. Although, men may feel embarrassed while discussing about the problem with the doctor; having an open and honest conversation is essential; as the problem in the initial phase will result in proper diagnosis and its appropriate treatment. For instance, about 50 percent of total men during their 50 years age, while 60 percent of the men during their 60 years suffer from erectile dysfunction.

On the other side, another research study has highlighted the problem of erectile dysfunction is common among various young aged men. In fact, researchers have found the problem among 26 percent of the adult men within 40 years age. Indeed, the rate highlighted here is analogous to that experienced by men of old age group.

Psychological Causes of ED

Anxiety and Depression: Feelings associated with sexual excitement which results in erection, begins in the human brain. Conditions, such as anxiety and depression may interfere with the respective process. A prime sign of depression among men is withdrawal from activities that give pleasure including sexual intercourse.

Work and Life Stress: Stress associated with loss of income, stressful jobs and other events taking place in the life of the man may contribute to the problem of ED. Abuse of drugs and alcohol are common causes of the erectile dysfunction among various young men.

Partners’ Relations: Poor communication and relationship issues with the partner may result in erectile dysfunction in men.

Physical Causes of ED includes:

Clogged Arteries: Good erection involves healthy blood circulation. Clogged arteries or atherosclerosis is a possible cause of the erectile dysfunction problem. ED may actually be one of the early signs of other dangerous cardiovascular problems like Peripheral Artery Disease, High blood pressure, Heart attack, stroke and even sudden death.

Diabetes: ED may also take place as a sign or symptom of diabetes. High blood glucose levels may cause severe damages to the blood vessels including those vessels supplying blood to the men’s penis at the time of intercourse/erection.

Obesity or Overweight: Obesity or overweight involves a big risk factor for above two causes. Hence, overweight men should immediately consider medical assessment before commencing on strenuous exercise to lose weight. Undetected health problems may make strenuous exercise risky.

Hormonal Disorders: Hormonal disorders in the form of high cortisol may lead to low testosterone leading to erectile dysfunction. Prolactin production in pituitary glands (located at the base of the brain) may contributes to the hormonal cause of the problem of erectile dysfunction. Other abnormality like low or high thyroid hormone levels may cause erectile dysfunction. Young men using steroids to build muscular mass also remain at higher risk related to the erectile dysfunction problem.

What can you do?

Erectile Dysfunction can be the “tip of the Iceberg” of a systemic vascular disorder like Peripheral Artery Disease, High blood pressure, Heart attack, stroke and even sudden death.

See the size approximate sizes of the arteries to the penis, heart brain and the legs below:

Note to the above: AMI is Acute Myocardial Infarction or Heart Attack; TIA: Transient Ischemic Attack (same symptoms as stroke but short lived)

If there is ED, then the next vessel to be clogged will be those that supply the heart. All the vessels of our body are all connected; what affect one flows to the rest over time if neglected.

The longer ED is allowed to fester, the more the progression of the underlying disease.

At Zenith Medical Centre, our interest is to determine the root cause and we have the capacity to use natural and conventional methods at reversing the root cause of the ED using the Functional Medicine paradigm of Care. Don’t be part of the stats, though ED may be the problem at the moment, it is a great opportunity for the person suffering ED to begin to roll back the tide of the deadly but silent killer disease that have just manifested itself as ED.