Zenith Medical Centre Our mission is to provide a quality integrated GP care with Functional/Natural & Antiaging medicine. We deliver health care services with human touch. We are located in Dandenong serving Melbourne and beyond.
What is EDTA? EDTA is Ethylene-Diamine-Tetra Acetic acid! Jaw breaking to pronounce? You are right. It is a transparent, water-soluble compound first synthesized in 1935. It belongs to a class of molecules called chelators. Chelators are chemicals that binds metal ions. EDTA binds minerals and it is especially attracted to those with a +2 or +3 charge. EDTA removes toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and chromium. It also remove trace elements like Aluminium, and also essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper, and zinc. Why then do we use such ‘greedy’ stuff as infusion? Good question, we will come back to this after some background information. How does Plaque forms in our blood vessels? It a million dollar question. The answer from some doctors may be; it is due to high cholesterol, some will say, it is obesity, diabetes, genetics or bad diet. The diet–cholesterol–heart hypothesis has been dominant during the past 60 years. The truth is; it is multifactorial; but one thing is clear from all these previous responses; the environmental poisoning which we are all exposed to from our industrialization have not been looked at; at all. Right from the time a child is born in the maternity till he gives his last breath, we are covered with environmental pollutants. At the beginning of 20th century, heart disease was an uncommon cause of death-see reference below (Dalen JE et al). It rose rapidly till 1960 and have remained as number-1 killer till date. Why? Answer: Though the cause is multifactorial; but the significant seepage of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants into our food webs is one critical elements most people have not given serious attention to. These pollutants find their ways into us (i.e into our blood vessels and tissues) through food, water, clothing (soap detergents etc) and the air we breathe. By these pollutants, I am referring to heavy metals like Lead, Cadmium, Aluminium, Mercury, Arsenic, Nickel, Cobalt and Vanadium-just to mention a few. Other organic pollutants of concern include Bisphenol A (BPA), Insecticides, Tobacco, Vinyl Chloride, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Benzene, Alcohol just to mention a few. All these; apart from the drug induced nutritional deficiencies (DINDs) and the misuse of antibiotics are the triggers of abnormal chemistry that lay the foundation on which abnormal changes occur in our blood vessels.
What has all the above got to do with our health and atherosclerosis in particular? Answer: these chemicals above are carcinogen (agents that may cause cancer), teratogens (substance which can cause physical defects in a developing embryo), mutagens (agents that induces genetic changes in our DNA), neurotoxicant (substances that can cause an adverse effect on the chemistry, structure or function of the nervous system) and hormone disruptors (chemicals that may interfere with the body’s endocrine (hormonal) system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune effects). No wonder, there is increase in the number of many uncommon medical conditions nowadays which were not common in the 19th Centuru. | ![]() |
Now let’s come back to EDTA. When these heavy metals enters our system, they initiate what we called oxidative chemical reactions in every system of the body via the blood vessels. In the blood vessels, they initiate the process of atherosclerosis when coupled with other favourable factors like environmental pollutants, stress, vulnerable genes, high GI foods and bad diet.
Atherosclerosis refers to the build-up of unhealthy fats, oxidized cholesterol, foam cells and other substances in your artery walls. This is what is referred to as plaques. If left unchecked, over time, this plaques increase in size, length and can restrict or block blood flow especially in small vessels.
The plaque can also burst, leading to a cascade of events that can cause a blood clot and reduction/blockade of the vessels causing death to tissue it supplies (stroke- if it is in the brain, heart attack if it is in the heart muscles).
EDTA, works by removing toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and chromium, trace elements like Aluminium. It also removes essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper, and zinc. This is why a patient coming for EDTA infusion must be carefully selected and prepared by us.
Although atherosclerosis is often considered a heart problem, it is actually a disease of every vessels in the body.
Critics of chelation often speaks of EDTA taking out Calcium from the blood vessel wall. This is a demonstration of the complete lack of understanding of the mechanism of action of EDTA.
Benefits of EDTA
Anecdotal reports are very clear about its positive effects. These effects ranges from restoration of perfusion in gangrenous diabetic foot to restoration of other vital organs. Also pooled analysis from Cochrane library yielded results of over 70 studies showed positive results in all but one.
A candidate for chelation therapy must initially have had a thorough history and physical examination to define the type and extent of the clinical problems. We perform convectional and sometimes expanded laboratory tests to determine whether there are any conditions present that would prevent the use of chelation.
Patients who have pre-existing hypocalcaemia (low blood free calcium), poor liver or kidney function, congestive heart failure, hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), chronic infection, clotting problems, or potentially allergic conditions are at higher risk for complications from chelation therapy. They may still benefit depending on the individual assessment.
Through our vital scan, coupled with Doppler ultrasound we determine the adequacy of blood flow in different regions of the body before Chelation is offered.
Side effects
Side effects of chelation therapy are reportedly unusual, but are rarely serious. Mild reactions may include, but are not limited to,
Our present regimes are safe with no serious side effects or complications. As can be inferred from above, Chelation is not a standalone treatment, it is part of a well-designed personalised program.
EDTA chelation is still highly controversial therapy among conventional physicians when it comes to treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Notwithstanding this scepticism, this same treatment is approved for lead poisoning and seriously high calcium levels.
Please read the references below and you be the judge to decide if EDTA chelation infusion is something you will like to consider.